“Parents, take back your confidence! You can do this job best.” – The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality by the Pontifical Council for the Family.
“Young people in particular, who are going through a period in their lives which is so complex, rich and important for their faith, ought to feel the constant closeness and support of their families and the Church in their journey of faith.” –Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei, No. 53.
Turn Sex Education into Love Education:
LoveEd is an initiative to give parents back their confidence. The parent-child program is a way to facilitate an intimate conversation between parent and child, to encourage and address questions they formerly discouraged or avoided. This program gives parents and their children powerful principles capable of shaping a life-changing conversation about the way their bodies and souls are changing from children into men and women. The parent program offers to parents the support of the church and other parents to grow in confidence and knowledge to fulfill their task of educating their child in life, love, and purity.
LoveEd is designed to help parishes, schools, and parents teach both the theology and science of human sexuality in the context of God’s plan for love and life. Each age group/gender video contains a series of five segments and questions for private parent-child discussion periods between each segment. LoveEd teaches not just the facts of life, but the meaning of life. LoveEd is:
- Story-based. By focusing on characters kids can relate to, LoveEd captures kids’ attention and keeps the conversation relevant and compelling.
- High quality. By using the best production values in contemporary storytelling, the DVDs lend cultural credibility to their message.
- User friendly. The program is easy to use, and it provides parents with a positive vocabulary and framework to talk about human sexuality.
- While not shying away from discussing sexual sin, this is not a program about saying No, but a program about saying Yes to the man or woman a child is becoming.
- Confidence-building. Hesitant parents who used the program say they learned how to confidently encourage and address questions they formerly discouraged.
“Many programs make the education on human sexuality a checklist,” Mast said. “Then, you figure once you have told them everything, you’re done. I found that with my own children, kids find that all that information at once is way too much. It’s overwhelming.”
Instead, the program presents a larger context information about the changes of puberty and, for older children, marriage, conception, and fetal development.
- God’s plan. Young people see how their lives relate to the larger context of God’s creative work.
- Growing in Circles. The program presents the child’s life journey from the Circle of Family Love, to the Circle of Friendship to the Circle of Romantic Love (the beginning of a new Family Circle).
- Most young people are called to be mothers and fathers, husbands and wives. This is an important calling from God to cooperate in his loving plan. Some are called to religious life.
- Emotional change. Hormones in puberty and adolescence don’t just change your body — your emotions change, too. This program helps new teens avoid the sullenness and anger that teens too often succumb to.
- Popular culture and Internet pornography are huge influences on young people today, aggressively selling a sexualized view of the human body. The program helps teens stay pure.
The Stories
Please click on the links to get a glimpse of the stories that will grab your kids right away –and get them excited to participate in the program.

Joey’s Story

Michael’s Story

Mariana’s Story

Julia’s Story
Experience Speaks:
Mom of 11 year old girl: I am so happy the school put on this program. My daughter said she knew everything already and didn’t want to talk about it at home. Tonight, she opened up and talked a lot because of the expectations and the atmosphere. We both learned a lot, too.
Dad of 10 year old: Thank you so much for putting on this program. Where were you when I was young? My dad never said anything, and I only learned this in street language. This was really great.
Mom of 13 year old girl: This is my fourth child, and I lost track of what I had told each of my girls. I am so glad we came, because we had more to cover than I thought. My daughter especially liked the part about modesty.
Dad of 12 year old boy: I didn’t know how to open this conversation, but I thought I knew what to say. These videos were great for both of us. We learned and we talked. This helped us.
Family Program
LoveEd is a three part program:
- Parent Video/Discussion Seminar online or at the parish
- Parent/child Video/Discussion Seminar online or at the parish
- Book with Six Chapters for Parent/Child reading and discussion at home.
Shop LoveEd
Respect4U is developing educational materials for individuals, families, schools and churches. We seek to teach and support families in their journey of living the true meaning of love so that they can live life to the fullest.
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